Happy Solstice!
Merry meet dear readers!
Cinder here. It’s been a while since I’ve written you, and for that I beg your forgiveness. I’ve been visiting the realm of Ashelon, helping my mortal half, author Carolyn Kay, document the adventures of Galessel, princess of the Anisbarii. You can read volume one of her exploits in “Dien-Vek: An Ashelon Novella” by traveling to the Amazon. *
But I digress.
Happy Solstice to one and all!
I must admit, I’m a bit hung-over from last night’s party. You see, the physical solstice happened last night, and the fae of the Summer Country held a rather raucous festival to celebrate. There was a grand ceremony in which Queen Mab transferred power to Queen Titania for the next six months. Those of us in the Winter Court, as always, are sad when this happens, for gone (at least temporarily) are the crisp snowy days, and chilling nights of fall and winter. So we will hide in the shadows and cool forest pools until it is once again our time to reign.
Titania looked especially vibrant last night. And, as evidenced by today’s sweltering temperatures, she must have gotten a LOT of rest over the winter. I haven’t seen her this energized since the turn of the last ice age!
So, for those of you who revel in the light and heat of Summer, now is your time. Go forth and bask in Titania’s glory. Me and mine will watch you from the shadows and cool catacombs (and wonder what is wrong with you).
Just remember that there must be balance to all things, and Winter, no matter how much you wish it not be so, is coming.
*I have been told by Carolyn that you do not have to travel to the Amazon to read “Dien-Vek.” You just have to visit a website called Amazon. I’m somewhat confused, but she assured me you’d understand.